The Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau has taken as decisive stand on the affordable housing crisis in Canada.

Canada Invests Millions: Can 3D Construction Printing Help Solve the Housing Crisis?

By 2030, the UN predicts that around 3 billion people worldwide will be affected by the affordable housing crisis. This urgent demand of homes calls for innovative solutions in the construction industry to make affordable housing a reality for everyone. Canada has now taken the first step toward that goal by investing into innovative construction solutions. 

C$600 million for innovative construction technologies

The Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau has taken a decisive stand on the affordable housing crisis in Canada. He states:

“We’re changing the way we build homes in Canada. In Budget 2024, we’re supporting a new approach to construction, with a focus on innovation and technology. This will make it easier and more cost-effective to build more homes, faster”.
The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.

Trudeau announced in his press release a C$600 million package to make building smarter, faster, and cheaper again. Out of this sum, C$50 million is directed towards a Homebuilding Technology and Innovative Fund aimed at “adaption of innovative housing technologies”. Another C$50 million is allocated to accelerate home building for projects that already implementing innovative construction methods, like 3D printing. Furthermore, $500 million are dedicated to support rental housing projects using innovative construction methods. These measures are anticipated to alleviate Canada’s housing shortage and make housing affordable for all generations in Canada. 

Opportunity for 3D construction printing

Trudeau’s announcement serves as a pivotal moment for advancing 3D construction technology. It highlights the potential of 3D printing technology in easing the affordable housing crisis. This presents a unique opportunity to showcase the efficiency of 3D construction printing (3DCP) and its seamless integration into larger-scale construction projects. A UN expert stated that “there is no one-size-fits-all approach to ensuring affordable housing for all”, but that’s precisely where the strength of 3DCP lies; it offers adaptability to diverse environments and applications areas through tailored solution while relying on the same technology. Consequently, the knowledge gained from each project enhances the efficiency for every subsequent one.

Advantages of 3D construction printing technology 

3CDP technology offers efficiency combined with design flexibility. By automating manual processes, the construction time can significantly be reduced, tackling the issue of too long construction times mentioned by Prime Minister Trudeau. The speed of 3DCP under ideal circumstances is unmatched as well as the low level of labor needed. With reduced dependence on manual labor, the 3DCP method circumvents the manual labor shortage and lowers costs simultaneously, making affordable houses achievable. Moreover, 3DCP not only speeds up construction but also makes it smarter. Detailed virtual planning ensures optimal resource allocation, while automation increases precision in material usage, ultimately reducing the overall material consumption. This was, for example, illustrated by our customer Abyan in Kuwait, who printed water tanks with 25% less material than conventional construction methods.  

Taking all this into consideration, we believe that the innovative technology of 3DCP can alleviate many challenges of the construction industry and holds the potential to make affordable housing a reality for everyone and all generations. As Trudeau said “You should be able to live in the community you love, at a price you can afford“, and we believe 3DCP is the way to achieve this. 


The need for innovative solutions to overcome the affordable housing crisis is indisputable, and with the Canadian Prime Minister taking proactive steps, there's hope for progress toward this vital goal. We are excited to see how Trudeau’s decision positively impacts the construction industry and the effect it has on the global perception of 3D construction printing.

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