Mission & vision

Welcome to COBOD – Construction Of Buildings On Demand.
World Leader in 3D construction printing solutions.

Our mission is to build smarter through multifunctional construction robots based on 3D printing technology

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Careers at cobod

We do not come to work just to make a living. We are here for a purpose. We see the rapid growth in world population leading to a global housing crisis with a gap of 3 billion houses in the following decades.

Open positions

Join us and become an integral part of helping the construction industry transition from outdated and labor-intensive construction methods to more automated, faster, and sustainable processes.

Cobod’s partnership model

COBOD has an open-source partner strategy. It means we grow through partnerships and our technology is flexible for 3D printing many types of material and letting our partners constantly develop and improve the material and even material types which they find better suitable for their needs.

Annual report 2022

Our purpose

How do we build a better future?

Ownership structure

COBOD International A/S is privately owned. In 2018, the PERI Group acquired a minority shareholding and in 2022, GE Energy, CEMEX and Holcim followed as minority shareholders and thereby cementing several years of fruitful cooperation and a solid platform for the future.

Ownership structure of COBOD International

Our leadership team

Joint ventures

COBOD is disrupting the construction industry on a global scale. As this is a gigantic undertaking, we need all the help we can get. That is the reason why our investors are industrial players each in their way promoting 3D construction printing, not venture capital companies.

financial highlights

Take a look at our financial highlights from 2018 up until now.

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