Kamp C

In July 2020, Kamp C unveiled the first two-story house printed on-site in Europe. The house is eight meters tall, has a floor area of 90 square meters, and is 3D printed with one of COBOD’s BOD2 printers.

3D printed house with the BOD2 3D construction printer around it

Innovative design

Besides the fibers in the concrete, the amount of wire-mesh reinforcement used is minimal. As a result of the printing technology used, the formwork was redundant, saving an estimated sixty percent on material, time, and budget. If you add up all the days, it took just three weeks to print the house at Kamp C.

First of its kind

“What makes this house so unique is that we printed it with a fixed 3D concrete printer”, says Emiel Ascione, the project manager at Kamp C. “Other houses that were printed around the world only have one floor. In many cases, the components were printed in a factory and were assembled on-site. We, however, printed the entire building envelope in one piece on-site.”