Application Areas of 3D Construction Printing  

Innovation and technology are great, but their true value comes from real-world application. The same is true for 3D construction printing, which is increasingly attracting interest in the construction industry. We understand that the process takes time, as applying new technology presents challenges and requires careful implementation. However, with the growing number of successful 3D printed projects gaining attention and recognition worldwide, the adoption of the technology as a new construction method is increasing. Therefore, it is vital to understand not only the technology and process behind it, but also which types of projects benefit from this technology. 

There are four key application areas where COBOD printers have already been successfully used. This article will provide an overview of these four application areas and explain how 3D construction printing can offer significant benefits. 

  • Residential: From single-family to multistory homes

Residential construction focuses on building living spaces for people. This includes a range of housing types such as vacation homes, condominiums, luxury villas, and single-family homes.  

For residential construction, 3D construction printing provides both design flexibility and cost efficiency. It can be utilized to build a variety of structures, from classic homes to modern designs, within shorter timeframes compared to traditional methods. Like in traditional construction, 3D printed structures are usually created from CAD models, which a 3D construction printer automatically executes. A once designed base model can be reproduced innumerable times. Additionally, it can easily be modified for more personalized and customized structures and executed in a shorter time than conventional construction*. A 3D construction printer can be operated by as few as four workers, decreasing the amount of labor needed for the construction. All these benefits contribute to lowering the overall cost of the finished structure. 

*As also mentioned in our last article, currently the 3D printer is used to build the basic structure of the house, however, additional trades are needed to finish the whole structure.  

  • Social Housing: Creating affordable, sustainable housing

Social housing is constructed with public funding and is meant for people with special housing needs, for example students, elderly people, or people with a lower income. As it is publicly funded, the project objectives often include specific regulations that need to be considered.  

The sheer size of social housing projects regularly results in longer construction periods compared to individual residential buildings. These projects are usually built in densely populated areas, causing significant construction noise and pollution for the surrounding communities. 3D construction printing technology helps to speed up the construction process, thereby minimize disturbance for nearby residents and accelerating the time to completion. In addition to speed, 3DCP also reduces costs by optimizing material usage and automating tasks, which is crucial for social housing projects, especially given the rising construction prices in recent years.  1

  • Office & Utility Building: Building practical and attractive commercial spaces 

Office and utility buildings, which include warehouses, retail stores, and data centers, are important components of the commercial sector. 

In this sector, 3D construction printing enables the creation of structures that are both practical and visually pleasing. Structures in this application area can differ greatly in size, making the scalability of the technology essential. COBOD printers can be adjusted to different dimensions in width, height, and length by choosing the appropriate number of 2.5-meter-long modules for each axis, ensuring the right 3D construction printer configuration for every project.  Additionally, the faster construction timeline of 3D construction printing leads to quicker project completion, lowers labor costs, reduces disruptions in busy areas, and speeds up the availability of commercial spaces. 

  • Infrastructure: Printing essential structures 

Infrastructure construction includes structures that are essential for the functioning of the economy, industry, and society, such as transport systems and utility networks. 

Given the importance of these structures, it is crucial to find reliable construction solutions. 3D construction printing with concrete produces structures that are as strong and sturdy as traditional methods at a faster pace. These projects can handle heavy loads and resist wear and tear, making them incredibly durable and long-lasting. Unlike traditional construction, 3D printing offers opportunity for smart designs based on typology analysis, resulting in more efficient and reliable material use and lower costs due to reduced material usage. 


3D construction printing is a technology with wide-ranging applications and benefits. Understanding its capabilities and potential is essential to grasp the impact it can have on the construction industry in the future. Therefore, in the next two articles, we will explore the individual application areas in more detail and explain the benefits based on a project completed with a COBOD printer by our customers.


  1. Material prices ↩︎